Water conservation Have you ever drove by a house and saw the sprinkler system watering the lawn while it was raining? That's not going to happen when you hire Holmes & Sons Irrigation. Water conservation has become an essential part of everyday life, even in areas where we believe water is in abundant supply. You can control water in your landscape by improving the efficiency of your irrigation system, you can save water, reduce utility bills and improve your landscape. Installation of a rain sensor will turn your system off automatically when it is raining. This helps us conserve one of our most precious natural resources. A rain sensor can save up to 30% of your water usage. Drip irrigation also helps. Drip irrigation applies water at the root of the plant where it does the most good. Drip reduces water loss due to evaporation and excessive runoff. It's ideal for shrub beds, gardens & trees.
Our services will conserve your water:
Design residential and commercial lawn sprinkler and irrigation systems that will save you money by using water efficiently.
Install all our lawn sprinkler systems to the highest professional standards and with minimum disruption to your yard.
Service all brands of lawn sprinklers systems. Your sprinklers should be serviced in the spring and the fall to ensure continued top performance.
Repair all makes of lawn sprinklers using high quality parts. Our experienced crew will fix your sprinkler problems quickly and correctly.
Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions and remember our quotes are always free. You can also use our online Service Request Form for your convenience.